Wednesday 18 September 2024

"The Fox" by Robert Louis Stevenson............

.............Look, there he comes again, the Fox,

Stealing softly through the gorse and rocks,

With silent padding tread.

His nose to the ground, his brush held low,

He moves with a stealthy, graceful flow,

As though he were hardly there.

His eyes, like amber, gleam and shine,

As he weaves through the undergrowth's


A vision of nature's art.

With every step, he marks his trail,

Leaving behind a secret, untold tale,

Of his wild and cunning heart.

This week we have enjoyed a visit from a handsome juvenile fox who made us smile. Our gardener had emptied a wooden trough that resides on a low stone wall filled with summer bedding plants. Through the window I spotted him happily sitting in it and peering over the top.
Unlike the visiting deer he doesn't eat the garden flowers, nor dig holes in the lawn seeking worms like the Badgers.
Today he found a cosy warm sunny corner in which to sleep, but
his eyes remained slightly open, and his ears continued to twitch. Even when resting his senses continue to remain on full alert.
We do hope he continues to visit, and that he enjoys a good life.