As we leave this old year behind, I wish everyone who visits WFVM, a very happy and peaceful 2018
'In the walled garden'
illustration by granddaughter 'P'

Over the Christmas season our youngest Granddaughter 'R' has brought my attention to the excessive and increasing amount of Palm Oil that is being included in our diets along with many domestic items found in our shopping baskets.
As a result I aim to check all product labels carefully during the coming year to see what they contain. If they have Palm Oil in them, I will not purchase - you may be as surprised as I was at just how many items there are. The writing on the labels is tiny so I shall have to carry my little pocket magnifying glass which I use to identify silver hallmarks.
Palm Oil is a huge source of profits for multinational corporations, whilst at
the same time destroying the livelihoods of smallholders. It causes the displacement
of indigenous peoples, rainforest destruction and loss of wildlife; it is the main threat to the survivial of the orangutan population. These changes in our biodiversity are all the
consequence of our palm oil consumption.
Here are a few of the products which may have Palm Oil in them, and that is why I shall be looking carefully at their labels.
Here are a few of the products which may have Palm Oil in them, and that is why I shall be looking carefully at their labels.