Friday 13 April 2012

Plum blossom in the sundial garden

looking through the wall from the pool garden
Lots of plum pies and crumble, chutney and jam this year


  1. Hello Rosemary:
    We love how the circle in the wall is echoed by the circular hedge to be seen in the Sundial Garden. And, what wonderful blossom!

    Kellemes hétvégét!!

    1. The blossom is wonderful - It seems to get better each year, however, I suspect that is our memory playing tricks.
      I am pleased that you noticed the circles. It all came about by a happy accident - it was not planned.

    2. Remélem van egy jó hétvége is.

  2. Beautiful, love the circle too.
    What a wonderful blossom.
    Some time until we can see it here.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Love your bluebell post, but I didn't find the commentpart.
    Wish you a wonderful weekend, Rosemary.

    1. Dear Mette - just think when mine has all gone, yours will be still be there to enjoy. Glad you like the bluebell post - I think Blogger have been playing around with comments etc this week and making things difficult. I do not know why they do not leave things as they are.
      Wonderful weekend to you too Mette.

  3. Rosemary, I feel like that I’m peeing into another fantastic world. I believe there are worlds just like ours with a little difference. Pristine white plum blossoms are incredibly lovely!


    1. Dear Yoko - the world is a beautiful place. Sadly this plum blossom is floating away already. Soon my trees will all have run out of blossom, but a few still to come.

  4. Hi Rosemary,
    Beautiful photos of your circles and sun dial.. the plum blossoms are full and magnificent.
    I am wondering what is the circle in the wall ! it is very unique.. As I thought.. your garden is amazing.
    Very impressed ..I didnt know that you could speak Hungarian.!
    best wishes

    1. Dear Val - if you look at my post in February - The lock out - you will be able to see the hole in the wall.
      It is very easy to speak Hungarian - I will tell you, but keep it a secret !!! - you go into Google translate and they do it for you.

    2. Dearest Rosemary,
      That has put a laugh on my face this afternoon. I mean! I am sure you have gathered by now, that i am a little !!!!!!!
      will go look at february..must have missed it. !!

    3. Hello Val - Google translate is a good device. When I do not know what people have written I find it useful for checking. Glad you had a laugh, and I for one, do not think that you are anything other than lovely, friendly Val.

  5. Such a beautiful garden! I love the sound of plum pies and crumble, chutney and jam. Wonderful to dream of.

    1. Once the plums are ripe and ready, my husband gets out the jars, and away he goes, bottling plums, jam making and chutney soon fill the shelves. I make the crumble and pies. It saves us a lot of money. We also give it away to friends and for charities raising money with homemade produce stalls.

  6. These compositions are beautiful.

    1. That is so kind of you - thank you very much.

  7. I love your trees, blossoming everywhere, and, I will love your jam, yummy.

    1. Thanks Bob - yes, H makes lovely plum jam

  8. The photo's are a pleasure to my eyes. And the plums are so delicious.
    Have a lovely weekend Rosemary
    gr. Marijke

    1. It certainly looks as if we should have plenty of plums, but for some reason this year the pigeons keep eating the blossom. I have never seen them to that before. Happy weekend to you to Marijke.

  9. The photos of your garden are always beautiful, and, as I think I may have mentioned before, strike me as a meditation space. I'm curious — do bees visit the plum blossoms?

    1. Yes Mark, the bees do visit the plum blossom, in fact they go to all of the different blossom trees. However, the thing in our garden that the bees most love is our heather.

  10. Gorgeous photos! Love the stones, circles and blossoms.

    1. Thank you - already the plum blossom is past its best, but hopefully soon the plums will be forming.


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― A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh